Old Cullipool

Old Cullipool


Alex Campbell, better known by his patronimic Alisdair MacIain bhain [son of fair John], Whose grave is situated at the north - west wall of the old churchyard has several slabs carved by himselfe some years before his death in 1829.One large stone is on the outside of the boundry wall, with a small slab above it which reads:-
Take notice if any person take authority to meddle with this stone again see what judgement come upon King Jehoiakim that burnt the roll & Judgement on children by crying bald head for fear that god execute the judgement written   Psa cxl.

It would appear that he had some problems with local children who would meddle with his memorial and did call him names. Campbell's Reputation spread far beyond his native Island.
He was leader of a sect Which withdrew from the established church of the Parish [Presbytery] in 1787. The occasion was when a new Minister was appointed, and they took the opportunity to protest against the intrusion of an "Erastion"; and formed their own congregation known as the Covenanters of Lorn; However he found that not one of his followers as intollerant as he deemed needfull, and at his death he was the only member unexpelled.
In "The Dying Testimony of Alexander Campbell", a Work of forty five pages, He tells the story of his life and of the religous movement and it's, or his, Extreme views, intolerances, protests, denunciations. He was against almost everything: against the "Church of Scotland, Reformed Presbytery, King George the Third"; against the "letter learned men that are not taught in the college of Sina or Zion, but in the college of Babylon";
against" them that lift the dead"; against " play actors, and pictures, women having habits and vails, headsails as umbrellas"; against, "dancing schools, as it is the works of the flesh"; against "women that wear Babylonish garments, that are rigged out with stretched-out necks, tinkling as they go"; against "the low country, as they are not kind to stangers"; against "gentlemen"; against; "ships that keep their course against the wind" [steamboats];
"fanners of corn who make use of artificial draughts"[winnowing machines]; against; "men and women to be conformed to the world in having dresses, vain headsails, as children having plaiding on the top of sticks to the wind, that women should become bairns. So that men have whiskers like ruffian soldiers, as wild as Ishmael, not like christians as Jacob smooth".
Then follows a final blast of denunciation:- "I as a dying man, leave my dying testimony against Quakers, Tabernachle folk, Haldians, Independents, Anabaptists, Antiburgers, Burghers, Chappels of Ease, Relief, Roman Catholics, Socenians, Prelacy, Armenians, Deists, Atheists, Universalists, New Jerusalemites, Uniterians, Methodists, Barians, Glassites, and Sectarians.No wonder he was the last member. It was said by DrSommerville, a leader of the reformed Presbyterians, that "Sandy is a honest man, but full of spiritual pride.

The Tombstones
Halt passengers take heed & read here upon this headstone.
As I Believed in their three person, in god head I believed their is three covenant also. First the covenant of redemption or surety between god the father & god the son in council of trinity from everlasting before the world began, the secret of the lord is with them that fear him and he will show them his covenant, & from the covenant of redemption the fountain and first ground from whence our freedom from the curse of the law as I believed that since the world was created & man that the second covenant of work was between god and man was in a state of innocence.
The third covenant of grace or reconciliation was when man fall the promise was by god that the seed of woman shall bruise the serpent head. O the spirit of faith to deny yourself & and thirst to be born again before enter to heaven & and to see your last state by nature that chief of sinner Jesus Christ the mediator of new covenants to make intercession for elect sinners O make your calling & election sure, Examine in faith that Christ prove how that Christ in you except ye are reprobates but know ye that I have my interest in Christ not have my own righteousness of god by faith that Christ is the head of government of church & and not mortal man King patronage toleration that ministers prelates & priests run unsent, a yoke that Christs disciples can not bear. To law & testimony of the gospels holy covenant, come and join the Lord in perpetual Covenant that shall not be forgotten---The testimony of Jesus.
                                   ACHNADURE    1820    ALEX CAMPBELL 

It is a marvellous headstone in the eyes of builders, the lords doings almost marvellous to most, that I digged my grave before I died, as Jacob & Joseph of Arimathea, Isreal would not bury evil men with good, Joseph said move not the man of gods bones, its a bed of rest to the righteous and no rest for the wicked but a prison and I protested that none go in my grave after me if not have the earnest of spirit to be a child of god, as I am election sure of the same principle of pure Presbyterian religion, the covented cause of Christ & church government adhering to the confession of faith, second reformation, purity & power of covenants & noble cloud of witness testimony's that Jesus Christ is the head King & governor of the churches, not mortal man, as the King now is.

Here lies the corp of Alex Campbell who lived Achanadure & died on Nov 1829. aged 1829 aged 78 yrs as from the dust  I came & to the dust I return & the spirit the spirit to God who gave it, the earth is the Lords and not the popes, nor popish prelacy, nor popish erastination either, this burial place I

testify but the earth is the lords, also I testify against that heinous sin of doctors & men for lifting the dead out of their graves before the resurrection, some men's sins go before to judgement & some after. O god haste the time that Popish monuments be destroyed, & haste the time that the covenant be renewed, away strange gods & garments.
                                                     ALEX CAMPBELL

I protest that none be buried after me in this grave which I have dug for myself as Jacob did Gen>L.5. having adhered till death to the whole work of  second reformation in Scotland between year 1638 & 1649 and died in full assurance of heavenly inheritance ----Heb Y1 11...19.
                                                         ALEX CAMPBELL.