Old Cullipool

Old Cullipool


On January 1805 a ship of the Guineaman type dropped anchor on the east shore of Luing, and was reported to be in a sickly state. Much to the dismay and or  disappointment of the locals no contact was made with the shore or any authority, until it was observed that several bodies were landed, and buried on the beach. This caused some excitement and also alarm and perhaps fearing some deadly disease immediate measures were taken to prevent  communication with the ship. Meanwhile authorities in Inverary were debating what action to take, but before anything could be done the Guineaman sailed to Ireland. Who were the deceased, could they have been members of the crew.?
 Were Guineamen, (African slaves) the cargo. Unfortunately it is unlikely to have been slaves, as slaves were generally thrown overboard.
So when strolling on Luing be aware of where you tread.